Hourly Fees
$300 - Design & Specification
$250 - Project Management
$200 - Project Administration
Hourly Fees allow you the flexibility to pay as you go with a retainer on account to bill against. So, you can approve one thing at a time, at a pace that works for you, and you can pause or stop whenever you decide. Our clients receive our trade discounts of 10% - 65% off retail prices on materials & merchandise for their project so we can help your budget stretch farther.
After an initial design meeting, a signed service agreement is required prior to commencing project.
Without a retainer on account, fees are payable at the time of appointment booking or service request.
Minimum $1000 fee for initial design meeting up to 2 hours.
Minimum $6,000 refundable retainer on account is required for projects that are billed on an hourly basis.
General Contractors receive a 10% trade discount on projects above $15,000 in total fees.